A few hours ago, I had the chance to thank Ed for the example he has been setting for my son. I told him that it was what Hunter had seen off stage that made an impact, Ed's willingness to spend time with everyone without showing favoritism, his unassuming nature (the man wears clothes from the Good Will because they are "good enough for him"), and the way he loves others with his time and attention. Ed thanked me for the compliment.
"I learned something about leadership a while back," he said. "Leadership is not just about how well you fulfill your responsibilities, but how you handle the privileges that come with it."
Good word.
I was thinking about those words as I walked back to our apartment. I wanted to write them down before I forgot. On the way, I saw Miss Jean picking up trash from the street and lawn in front of the Tabernacle. No one else was around. She wasn't doing it to make a point or show off. She was doing it because it needed to be done and she was still able to do it.
There isn't a staffer on grounds that wouldn't give a kidney for Miss Jean. If she'd asked someone else to do the job, they would have, just to please her, but she didn't. Bending slowly and carefully so as not to take a tumble and have to leave Falls Creek early for a hip replacement, this precious lady, who is old enough to be my grandmother, stooped down and picked up straws, cups, and water bottle lids as if it were her privilege to do so.
I don't know which I will remember longer, Ed's words or Miss Jean's example.
Lord, you alone are good. You alone deserve honor and praise. May we be faithful stewards of the privileges and blessings you afford us. Be glorified in our lives as we serve you with humility.
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