The practice of homosexuality is sin (Romans 1), as are pre and extramarital acts of heterosexuality, as are drunkenness, theft, and lying, for that matter. Sin is sin is sin. One brand is as “bad” as another in God’s sight (James 2:10), as all sin has the same effect on our relationship with Him. Initially, before we accept God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, sin separates us from Him (Romans 6:23). When committed after the point of salvation, sin causes relational static (Psalm 66:18), making it difficult for children of God to hear the Holy Spirit and experience the peace and joy that is rightfully theirs.
We don’t tend to see it that way. That’s understandable, considering the fact that most of us have either witnessed or experienced for ourselves the deep and devastating effects of sexual sin, it being the one sin that a person commits against his/her own body (1 Corinthians 6:18). To us, it just feels like a “big” or “bad” sin, one that would make the top five were we to make a list. Again, it isn’t, but maybe that’s why we, like the guys in the Bible with the stones, tend to overreact when we come face to face with it, unintentionally wounding the captives that we’ve been sent to help free.
Ten or twelve years ago, my family attended a Christmas program at church. It was a packed house. We’d arrived early, so I had plenty of time to people watch, one of my favorite past times. I smiled as family after family wearing some form of Christmas plaid filed in and took their seats, parents locking arms on the pew behind their children like bookends. Smiles were shared. Hugs were given. Shoes were tied, and bows were straightened. It was like a scene from Little House on the Prairie, only there were a lot more pews and the use of candle light, thank Edison, was elective.
Just before the program started, a young family took its
place in the pew in front of us, two women and a little boy. I assumed that the ladies were sisters. A few tender looks and light caresses later,
I realized that they were not sisters at all, but partners.
I have to admit that I didn’t quite know what to make of
it. It was the first time that I’d
really ever been confronted with the idea of two people of the same gender
building a family together as committed, life-long partners. I wasn’t put off by it. I have homosexual friends.
I was just sad. As I watched
these ladies share a special holiday moment and love on their son, I realized
that the practice of homosexuality and the adoption of it as a lifestyle,
although no more sinful than my own transgressions, is much more serious,
carrying with it complications that I will never have to wade through and
difficult decisions that I will never have to face.
The Bible says that those who knowingly continue to live in
sin do not belong to Him (1 John 3:6).
To surrender fully to God’s will for their lives, partners in a
committed homosexual relationship would have to abandon and repent of the
intimacy they have shared, dismantle, essentially, the family that they have
built, and learn to love and respect platonically one whom they once considered
to be the other half of themselves. I wish
that weren’t the case. I really do,
especially when I see couples like the one I just described.
What agony! I simply
cannot imagine it.
Could you make that choice?
You might be able to if you were given time to understand how much God
loves you (John 3:16), how willing He is to forgive (1 John 1:9), and how eager He is to heal and make
new (2 Corinthians 5:17). You might be able to if you were
taught with patience that this life is just a breath (James 4:14), that eternity with the
Father is worth any cost to be paid here on earth (Romans 6:23), and that all things are
possible with God (Mark 10:27). You might be able to
if you were loved and accepted by His family, but you probably wouldn’t if you
thought it was the very choice that those who avoided, ridiculed, and judged
you at every turn wanted you to make.
My brothers and sisters, consider.
It is not ours to condemn.
That’s sin’s job.
It is not ours to convict.
That’s the Holy Spirit’s job.
It is not ours to judge. That’s God’s job.
Ours is to love freely and unconditionally, to speak the
truth in love, and to extend to others the same measure of grace and mercy that
we ourselves require on a daily basis.
If your daily quota is as high as mine, that should be more than enough
to keep us busy and reason enough to leave the stones be.
I've prayed about this very subject much over the last couple of years. God has been saying to me exactly what I just read in your last few sentences. Love love love. They will know us by our love. Did anyone ever win a soul to Christ by ridiculing them and persecuting them? NO!
ReplyDeleteWise and beautiful words.